5 Expert Tips for overcoming writer’s block
Writer’s block is a condition that affects many writers in all stages of their careers at one time or another. If you feel at your wit’s end, don’t despair – you’re not alone. This creative slump is every writer’s enemy that can be caused by many different factors. Sometimes it can last for days, weeks or even months, causing a lot of emotional turmoil.
The good news is that this condition is often temporary. This post looks at what writer’s block is and how to overcome it with concrete examples that work. These examples will help you get your writing mojo back in no time.
What causes writer’s block?
Writer’s block is often described as a temporary condition characterized by a lack of motivation or creativity. Most writers have experienced writer’s block at some point in their lives. It can be frustrating and even discouraging to sit down at the computer and find that the words just won’t come.
Many factors can contribute to writer’s block, including anxiety, stress, burnout, and fatigue. In some cases, writer’s block may be caused by a specific event, such as the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship. It can also be triggered by a negative experience, such as rejection from a literary agent or bad reviews from readers.

Sometimes, it can come down to timing. It might not be the right time to write, or maybe your ideas need more time to develop. You might be stalling from writing by trying to perfect the story, which often is an excuse not to write and leads to endless delays. Fear could also be the reason that’s stopping you from writing. Putting your words and ideas out there and opening yourself to critique can be scary, so you simply don’t do it.
Writer’s block is not the end
Experiencing writer’s block can sometimes feel like hitting a brick wall. It can come out of nowhere and leave you feeling stunned and confused. Writer’s block can happen to even the most experienced writers and it can be frustrating, demoralizing and downright annoying.
While it might seem like you will never write again, there is a silver lining here if you take this moment to stop and reflect. In some ways, writer’s block can be a good thing. Here’s why:
- It forces you to take a break. When you write, it’s easy to lose track of time as you get caught up in your story. Before you know it, you’ve been sitting in that chair for hours without moving. That can cause physical pain and distract you from writing.
- It makes you think outside the box. When you’re unable to write, you have to try various techniques you wouldn’t do otherwise, which get you to try new things. That can lead to new ideas and improve your writing.

- It gives you time to reflect on your work. Sometimes when you’re in the middle of writing, it’s hard to step back and assess what you’ve written so far. Taking a break can give you the distance you need to see your work more objectively and make necessary changes.
- It can help improve your focus. If you find yourself getting easily distracted while writing, a bout of writer’s block can actually be beneficial.
5 Tactics for overcoming writer’s block
Trying out new things can jump-start your creativity and get you out of that rut when you’re feeling stuck. There is no magic formula to solve the problem, but these tactics are a great way to get you started:
1. Get outside
Sometimes when you’re feeling stuck, all you need is a little break. Stepping away from your work for a few minutes (or even a few hours) can help refresh your mind and give you some much-needed perspective. Nature is a great healer, and being outside is a sure way to recharge your body and creativity.

2. Switch up your routine
Another way to overcome writer’s block is to change up your routine. That can also include where you write and how you do it. If you typically write in the morning, try writing at night, or vice versa. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to get those creative juices flowing.
Relocate to a different part of your house from where you usually write. Use your kitchen or set up a makeshift writing space in your backyard or the basement. You might also want to switch up your routine by writing in a coffee shop, a library or a coworking space.
3. Find inspiration in others
Sometimes the best way to face your writing demons is to stop writing and get inspired by others. Reading books, magazines and online publications on various topics is a great way to focus your mind on other issues. It’s also a great way to expose your mind to different writing styles and ideas.
You might want to try other ways to get inspired. Watch a movie, listen to music or tune to podcasts for writers that tackle writing-related topics, feature other writers and offer plenty of inspiration.
4. Use writing prompts
Writing prompts are a great way to give your writing muscles a workout. A prompt can be an image, a passage, an idea or a scenario that directs you to write about it in a certain way. You can find inspiration for writing prompts around your house or online, like this Writer’s Digest collection.
This method enables you to focus on a specific topic, practice different writing styles and sharpen your writing chops. Writing prompts can turn into new books, short stories or scenes in future books.

5. Ask others for help
Sometimes all you need is a different perspective. Talk to other writers or friends and family members for ideas and inspiration. Brainstorming ideas or bouncing them off others can help you generate new ideas. A fresh pair of eyes, or ears, can provide a new perspective.
Having a good soundboard is a great way to get through your writing setbacks and get back on track. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. It’s not a sign of weakness, nor does it make you an inferior writer.
Overcoming writer’s block can help to increase your confidence as a writer. If you are struggling to start or finish a piece of writing, it can be easy to doubt your abilities. However, by pushing through writer’s block, you can prove to yourself that you are a capable and talented writer.
By taking steps to overcome writer’s block, dealing with frustration and disappointment, and staying creative and motivated, you can improve your writing skills and productivity.
Just remember that everyone experiences writer’s block at some point, so don’t be discouraged if you hit a wall. With a little effort, you’ll be back on track in no time.
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